API: Shows
In this page
The Show object
A Show is a collection of Episodes owned by a single User called an Author.
A show has several properties. Each API can return a Show model in its entirety or with just a subset. All properties are listed here:
Property | Type | Description |
show_id |
Numeric | Unique show identifier |
author |
User | The author/owner of the show |
author_id |
Numeric | User ID of the show author |
category_id |
Numeric | Category ID of the show category |
category_2_id |
Numeric | Category ID of the show category 2 |
category_3_id |
Numeric | Category ID of the show category 3 |
category |
Category | Category of the show |
category_2 |
Category | Category 2 of the show |
category_3 |
Category | Category 3 of the show |
description |
String | Show description |
email |
String | Contact email |
facebook_url |
String | Facebook page URL |
itunes_url |
String | iTunes page URL |
image_original_url |
String | Original size image URL |
image_url |
String | 200x200px size image URL |
last_episode_at |
String | Date of a show’s latest published episode |
site_url |
String | Public URL of the show on the Spreaker website |
skype_name |
String | Skype username |
sms_number |
String | Text number |
tel_number |
String | Telephone (voice) number |
title |
String | Show title |
twitter_name |
String | Twitter username |
website_url |
String | Contact website |
language |
String | Show language |
episodes_sorting |
String | Type of episode sorting when getting show episodes |
owner_name |
String | Owner’s name |
author_name |
String | Author’s name |
copyright |
String | Copyright |
Many of the resources on the show APIs are related to a single show. If a request URL includes SHOW-ID
it refers to the numeric Show ID.
Retrieving a Single Show
GET /v2/shows/SHOW-ID
The returned Show contains most of all its public information, from its title
and description
, to its author
(a User model), to some contact information like the email
, facebook_url
or twitter_name
curl https://api.spreaker.com/v2/shows/1433865
The response body is a JSON object containing all the show fields (and author
public fields).
"response": {
"show": {
"author": {
"description": "Hear the latest Spreaker Live Show every Weds at 3pm PST/6pm EST and New Media Expo, Podcast Movement, RAIN Summit, Dash Conference, Nielsen Audio Client Conference events.",
"fullname": "Spreaker Live Show",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/da9b085ab425d819e5de6f978487a487.jpg",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/da9b085ab425d819e5de6f978487a487.jpg",
"kind": "producer",
"plan": "station",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/user/spreakerliveevents",
"user_id": 8114541,
"username": "spreakerliveevents"
"author_id": 8114541,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"description": "Tune in to the Spreaker Live Show, hosted by Rob Greenlee, Head of Content at Spreaker (@robgreenlee) for podcasting news, tips, and interviews with leading podcast hosts.
Every Wednesday at 3pm PST/6pm EST, you’ll catch Rob Greenlee guiding a new conversation on podcasting and its potential with experts in the industry. From microphones, to developing content, to monetization, podcast gurus will be offering up their own advice and experiences to draw from. Past guests include Adam Sachs, Chris Brogan, Robert Scoble, Todd Pringle, Sarah Van Mosel, and Rob Cesternino - with many more to come!
You’ll also hear the latest news on Spreaker, from newly released features to exciting new partnerships. Don’t miss tips on using the platform to its fullest potential and get yourself sounding like a pro. Podcasting has never been easier!
So come participate and interact with a rich community of audio creators and listeners using the best medium we know! Listen in live, and don’t forget to leave us your comments and feedback!",
"email": null,
"facebook_url": null,
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/b7c5bbccf92d94a33c384bd8eaab6f1d.jpg",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/b7c5bbccf92d94a33c384bd8eaab6f1d.jpg",
"show_id": 1433865,
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/spreaker-live-show",
"skype_name": null,
"sms_number": null,
"tel_number": null,
"title": "Spreaker Live Show with Rob Greenlee",
"twitter_name": null,
"website_url": null
Updating a Show
POST /v2/shows/SHOW-ID
Authenticated: yes. Owner: yes
The API POST /v2/shows/SHOW-ID
supports these parameters, none of which are required, as you should specify only the ones you want to update:
Parameter | Type | Description |
title |
String | Min length: 5, Max length: 40 |
description |
String | - |
email |
String | - |
website_url |
String | - |
twitter_name |
String | A Twitter handle, with or without the initial @, Max length: 15 |
skype_name |
String | Min length: 6, Max length: 32 |
tel_number |
String | Max length: 16 |
sms_number |
String | Max length: 16 |
category_id |
Numeric | See: Categories |
category_2_id |
Numeric | See: Categories |
category_3_id |
Numeric | See: Categories |
language |
String | ISO 639-1 language code. Allowed: sq ar be bg cs zh hr da et fi fr ja el is lt it en mk no nl pl pt ro ru sr sk sl es sv de tr uk hu |
image_file |
File | At least 400x400, Max size: 5MB, Formats: JPG, PNG |
image_crop |
String | Comma-separated coordinates (top left X, top left Y, bottom right X, bottom right Y) are used to crop the image_file . If not specified, the image_file will not be cropped. This parameter is effective only if the request contains an image_file . |
episode_sorting |
String | Type of episode sorting for this show: newest (newest to oldest) or oldest (oldest to newest) |
owner_name |
String | Max length: 255 |
author_name |
String | Max length: 255, used for |
copyright |
String | Max length: 255, used for |
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN" -F image_file=@image.jpg -F "title=Title" -F "description=Text" -F "email=youremail@gmail.com" -F "website_url=www.yoursite.com" -F "twitter_name=yourtwitterhandle" -F "skype_name=yourskypename" -F "tel_number=123456789" -F "sms_number=987654321" -F "category_id=38" -F "language=it" https://api.spreaker.com/v2/shows/12345678
The response body is a JSON object containing all the show fields (and author
public fields).
"response": {
"show": {
"author": {...},
"author_id": 12345678,
"description": "Text",
"email": "youremail@gmail.com",
"facebook_url": "http://www.facebook.com/12345fg234234",
"image_original_url": "IMAGE-ORIGINAL-URL",
"image_url": "IMAGE-URL",
"show_id": 12345678,
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/title",
"skype_name": "yourskypename",
"sms_number": "987654321",
"tel_number": "123456789",
"title": "Title",
"twitter_name": "yourtwitterhandle",
"website_url": "www.yoursite.com",
"language": "it",
"category_id": 38,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"author_name": null,
"owner_name": null,
"copyright": null
Deleting a Show
DELETE /v2/shows/SHOW-ID
Authenticated: yes
Delete a particular show. This requires the request to be authenticated with the show’s author credentials and the show must have no episodes: if the show you want to delete has any episode, please delete all episodes first.
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN" https://api.spreaker.com/v2/shows/12345
Creating a Show
POST /v2/shows
Authenticated: yes.
The API POST /v2/shows
creates a new show and supports all the parameters of the Updating a Show API.
The only required parameters are the title
and language
: all other parameters are optional and can be edited later.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN" -F "title=Daily News" -F "language=en" https://api.spreaker.com/v2/shows
The response body is a JSON object containing all the episode fields (and some related data).
"response": {
"show": {
"show_id": 932,
"title": "Daily News",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/daily-news",
"image_url": null,
"image_original_url": null,
"author_id": 1,
"description": null,
"category_id": null,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"language": "en",
"author": {
"user_id": 1,
"fullname": "Marco",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/user/marco",
"image_url": "https://d16p0vxkuq1hni.cloudfront.net/large/ccd7e21f9b6fc580178db084356094b6.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d1botjg6upurv.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/ccd7e21f9b6fc580178db084356094b6.jpg"
"fb_page_id": null,
"fb_page_name": null,
"created_at": "2016-05-23 12:32:52",
"updated_at": "2016-05-23 12:32:52",
"website_url": null,
"email": null,
"facebook_url": null,
"itunes_url": null,
"twitter_name": null,
"skype_name": null,
"tel_number": null,
"sms_number": null,
"listenable_episodes_count": 0,
"editable_episodes_count": 0,
"last_episode_at": null,
"owner_name": null,
"author_name": null,
"copyright": null
Retrieving a User’s Shows
GET /v2/users/USER-ID/shows
This API returns a paginated list of Shows owned by the USER-ID
. Each has just a subset of Show properties.
Parameter | Type | Description |
filter |
String | Filters shows by listenable or editable (defaults to listenable ). If you specify filter=editable the request must be authenticated with USER-ID credentials. |
access_level |
String | Fetches the user shows for USER-ID . Allowed values are: AUTHOR (default), SHOW_COLLABORATOR or USER_COLLABORATOR . AUTHOR fetches all of the shows of the user, SHOW_COLLABORATOR fetches the shows where the user is a collaborator and USER_COLLABORATOR fetches the shows of the network the user is a collaborator. You can pass multiple values separated by a comma, e.g. access_level =AUTHOR ,SHOW_COLLABORATOR . |
curl https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/8114541/shows?limit=3
The response body is a paginated list of Shows.
"response": {
"items": [
"show_id": 1396918,
"title": "Spreaker Live from NMX/NAB 2015",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/spreaker-live-from-nmx-2015-episodes",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/d6b8f52a7f59a493130700e1b0b17d82.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/d6b8f52a7f59a493130700e1b0b17d82.jpg",
"author_id": 8114541,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"show_id": 1433865,
"title": "Spreaker Live Show with Rob Greenlee",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/spreaker-live-show",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/b7c5bbccf92d94a33c384bd8eaab6f1d.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/b7c5bbccf92d94a33c384bd8eaab6f1d.jpg",
"author_id": 8114541,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"show_id": 1634369,
"title": "Spreaker National Radio Ad Spots",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/spreaker-national-radio-ad-spots",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/ac674e996ce37e7021c947317f246d44.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/ac674e996ce37e7021c947317f246d44.jpg",
"author_id": 8114541,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"next_url": "https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/8114541/shows?offset=3&limit=3"
Adding a Show to Favorites
PUT /v2/users/USER-ID/favorites/SHOW-ID
Authenticated: yes
This API does not have any additional parameters. You can add a show to your Favorites only on your own account, so the USER-ID
parameter must match the owner of the token you’re using to authenticate the request.
Parameter | Type | Description |
notifications_enabled |
Boolean | Enables or disables mobile push notifications when a new episode is published (defaults to true ). |
curl -X PUT https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/123/favorites/456
The response body is an empty object
Removing a Show from Favorites
DELETE /v2/users/USER-ID/favorites/SHOW-ID
Authenticated: yes
This API does not have any additional parameters. You can remove a show from Favorites only on your own account, so the USER-ID
parameter must match the owner of the token you’re using to authenticate the request.
curl -X DELETE https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/123/favorites/456
The response body is an empty object
Retrieving Favorited Shows
GET /v2/users/USER-ID/favorites
This API returns a paginated list of Shows favorited by the USER-ID
. Each has just a subset of Show properties.
curl https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/1/favorites?limit=3
The response body is a paginated list of Shows.
"response": {
"items": [{
"show_id": 1504423,
"title": "Deejay Chiama Italia",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/deejay-chiama-italia_1",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/8d78efe85a3df11a9f43f6b1fefd2257.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/8d78efe85a3df11a9f43f6b1fefd2257.jpg",
"author_id": 8323188,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
}, {
"show_id": 1570902,
"title": "War on the Rocks",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/war-on-the-rocks",
"image_url": null,
"image_original_url": null,
"author_id": 8464333,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
}, {
"show_id": 1557981,
"title": "QUINTINO presents SupersoniQ Radio",
"site_url": "https://www.spreaker.com/show/quintino-presents-supersoniq-radio",
"image_url": "https://d1bm3dmew779uf.cloudfront.net/large/204416d33400d6d94eb30b4b9cbdd9b4.jpg",
"image_original_url": "https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/204416d33400d6d94eb30b4b9cbdd9b4.jpg",
"author_id": 8437749,
"category": {
"category_id": 99,
"name": "Business",
"permalink": "business",
"level": 1
"category_2": null,
"category_3": null,
"category_id": 99,
"category_2_id": null,
"category_3_id": null,
"next_url": "https://api.spreaker.com/v2/users/1/favorites?last_id=1557981&limit=3"